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Please find below a list of all assigned numbers for the 2025 season.

To remind all, numbers are locked until the 1st February 2026 and are unique to each person.

They then become free for anyone to take. To ensure you get your number make sure you re do your membership as soon as possible after the 1st November.  ( possible early bird deal )

When picking a number please check all groups to ensure its free.

Endurance members, you don't need to pick a number as it is not strictly required. For the 12hr we assign numbers to each team and for the Dbl4 you can chose a number that no one is using in the field for the weekend . We wish to give racing members who will take part in sprints over the whole season priority of choice. I will be in touch with all parties if a number clash occurs.

The British Lawn mower Racing Association

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