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In this section you will find the answers to most of the common questions that get asked. If you would like further information then please reach out to and one of the team will get back to you.

  • How do I become a member?
    You can become a member of the BLMRA by registering on our web site. Payments are taken via Stripe which accept all debit and credit cards, no account is required.
  • Do I have to become a member before I can get the rules and regulations?
    No you don't, you can download the Handbook here or purchased in the shop for £5.00 which will be posted to you. This is advised as most of the questions in this FAQ section will be in the BLMRA handbook or you can send off for the Handbook. When you become a member you will receive a copy of the Handbook, so why not join up?
  • How do I get a copy of the rules and regulations?
    This can be done via different methods: a) Online here. b) Purchase a copy to be posted from our shop. c) On race day, Handbooks can be purchased from Race Control. Contact a BLMRA Committee member.
  • How much does it cost to become a member?
    Please see the membership tab on top menu for prices. There are three classes of membership - full racing member, endurance member (race entry restricted to endurance events), or camping only membership (spose and four children) For the 12 hour race only the endurance membership is required.
  • Do I have to pay for Camping
    If you are staying in the field then yes you do. There is weekend cost. This is only a small cost but goes towards toilets and any weekend costs to stage the event. Anyone over 18 who will spend significant time in the field and also wishes to camp over night must sign in on ALPHA and pay for camping membership to comply with the club insurance regulations.
  • Several of us are wanting to race, do each of us need to join under the single membership or is there an alternate?
    If you are going to race each of you need to be a full member and need to apply for a single membership. No joint membership are available.
  • Why are there so many rules, I thought that this was a fun sport?
    Rules have been introduced into lawn mower racing in order to try to control the sport to make it both safer and affordable for all. If there were no rules or very few, then we could find ourselves in the situation that those with the most money always win.
  • What do I do if I think somebody is breaking the rules?
    If any member thinks that another has or is using machines that do not conform to the rules then it should be brought to the attention of a committee member. Any machine found to be in breach of the rules, either intentionally or by mistake will need to be modified within a timescale stipulated by the scrutineers / committee.
  • Do the mowers have to cut grass?
    No, the blades are removed for safety.
  • How do you get the mowers to go faster, if you can't modify the engines?
    You change the gearing; generally by changing the belt pulleys.
  • Are there any members, or races, near where I live?
    Coming along to an event you are sure to find someone near alternatively look ask on our Facebook group. To find an event near you have a look at our events page.
  • How much does it cost?
    Lawnmower Racing has been voted the cheapest motorsport in the UK by Motor Sport News. Although cost's can vary depending on class, it's best to come along to a meeting and have a chat.
  • How old do I have to be to race?
    You have to be 18 years of age. There is a junior class which accepts ages between 15 & 18 years old. You still have jo join a full member to race
  • How do I get more information?
    Either come along to a race meeting, email us, or send us a letter to BLMRA, 10 Thurne Way, Rudgwick, West Sussex, RH12 3ER
  • How do I get started?
    Come to a few races, chat to some of the racers, come to one or two of our ‘Noggin ‘n Natter’ evenings, and join the Club! Also have a look at our section under Info on Getting Started.
  • Can I buy a prepared mower, or do I have to prepare one myself?
    Either, Race Prepared Mowers can be often found on the BLMRA website, In Cuttings, on Race day and the internet. Before purchasing, it is strongly advisable to contact Race committee for Eligibility first. If you decide to build your own machine, contact the Homologation team before any work is carried out.
  • I have seen a race prepared mower for sale on the internet, can I race it with the BLMRA
    Quite possibly, contact the Homologation team first, they will advise you.
  • Can I modify or tune the engine?
    No, only the governor may be removed and exhaust replaced on the engine. Engine modifications are forbidden.
  • How do I know what I can do, and can not do, to prepare/build a mower for racing?
    Get your mower homologated, study the up to date BLMRA Handbook and come to an event and ask other racers and/or Committee members.
  • I don't have the time or the knowhow to prepare a mower, where can I buy one?
    See ‘Cuttings’ and ask at race meetings or ‘Noggin ‘n Natter’ evenings.
  • How many drivers are allowed, per mower, in the 12 hour race?
    Up to three drivers, Ladies, or Men, or mixed.
  • Who can I call to ask about technical things?
    You can contact the Technical and Homologation team or contact a Committee member representing the Group of mower you are interested in.
  • I have a twin cylinder 16hp mower, can I race it?
    Almost certainly not, but you may be able to with a different engine. Contact the Race Committee and arrange homologation of you mower. They will check eligibility of the mower.
  • Do I need a crash-helmet?
    Yes, except in Group 1 – the ‘Run-behind’ class. See competitor safety section in the BLMRA Handbook
  • Does the club have any insurance?
    Yes. We have public liability insurance up to £5m and there is member to member cover - but not whilst actually racing. We also have insurance cover for our property & equipment.
  • Why do we have to pay a drivers premium?
    The public liability insurance is very expensive now. The club has to pay a block premium at the beginning of the season and pay a premium for each event based on the number of people that have raced. It seems to be the fairest way to collect the premium as the more you race the greater the risk and therefore the more you pay.
  • How do I become a Committee Member?
    The committee is democratically elected and any subscribing member of the club can offer themselves for election at the AGM. You need to be proposed & seconded; you should be an experienced member and have to be able to commit to the time required.
  • Does the club ever race abroad?
    Yes. In the past we have raced in France, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Finland and USA. There are regular races in Luxembourg and Belgium and quite often a group from the UK will travel out to them. Watch out for announcements in the ‘cuttings’ news letter.
  • Do the people in the club organise anything other than actual mower races?
    Yes. There are social events from time to time as well as non competitive weekend motoring events and military history trips to Europe. In the past we have had golf days, treasure hunts, go-karting and helped with other people’s events. If you have any ideas or want to organise something, please get in touch.
  • Is the BLMRA recognised by the MSA?
    Yes, the BLMRA is recognised as the governing body of Lawn Mower Racing by the MSA.
  • Do I have to have a transponder to race?
    Yes. You can either purchase one directly from AMB, or you can hire one from the club (subject to availability) for race meetings.
  • Which engine can I use to race lawn mowers?
    Engines that are currently eligible for use are listed in the up to date BLMRA handbook. See the full Rules and Regulations for further information.
  • What do I need to build a group 3?
    The most common group 3 machine is the Westwood Lawnbug. However group 3 rules state that they are a garden ride on, wheel driven, with a chassis designed for an engine up to 18hp, with no obvious bonnet and designed to cut grass for domestic purposes.
  • What is homologation and how does that affect my building?
    Homologation means that any machine has to be measured and inspected by the homologation team, BEFORE, any work is carried out on it. The homologation team will advise builders regarding dimensions the racing machine must conform to such as width and length and will also indicate what metal may be removed from the original chassis. If any builder has an idea for a new form of construction or has seen a particular feature on another machine they are advised to contact one of the homologation team to see if such a feature is legally allowed! Just because another machine has been built in a certain way does not mean that it is legal. Contacting and discussing details with the homologation team may prevent costly errors being made.
  • What type of tyres can I race with?
    Any tyres designed for lawn tractors but not of a cleated design. Full details of tyre specifications are in the BLMRA Handbook
  • What safety devices do I have to fit to my mower?
    All mowers should be fitted with a cut-out switch which should kill the engine if the driver was to leave the machine. There are other safety features relevant to each class, details of these will be explained during Homologation, and are also in the BLMRA Handbook.
  • If the bodywork gets damaged beyond repair can i replace it?
    Yes, as long as it’s the original material and style.
  • What type of clutches are used?
    Generally three types of clutches are used; belt tensioning clutch, centrifugal or a modified motorcycle clutch.
  • How wide can my mower be Be?
    The width of your Mower will be relevant to the group, and model of the machine. This will explained during Homologation and is also in the relevant section in the BLMRA handbook.
  • Can I race without membership?
    Yes, there is a provision for 'day' racing membership @£10 per weekend. This is limited to 3 weekends after which a full membership must be pruchased to continue.
  • What if I cannot attend a race meeting or my mower breaks down, can I get a refund?
    Yes you can, this can either be a straight refund or the entry be rolled over to a subsequent race meeting. The restrictions on this are that if your mower has been scrutineered on the race weekend you have attended and there is no option of a refund at this time.

The British Lawn mower Racing Association

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